Biological Effect Magnitude DB

Search for what you want to modify in you life.

You may search to either modify an input you can change (such as sleep)
or an output you want to effect (such as depression).
Go ahead and type what you want to know more about in the upper right hand corner.

v2.090 : addLit.php cleaned up - input1-5 collapsing by row correctly AND erasing data ... search.php php logic broken to hide table, commented out till fix later so page works to load.   
 Items next to work below:  
10a) modLit - Dont have image done in mesh table or query. 10b) new column in mesh to store svg image 10b2) new tbl in search.php to show imgs 10b3) tooltip in index over image to explain what it would do, disable until functional or remove? 20a) submitLog 2nd table goes below black birds until window resized, not sure how to fix, adding divs didnt do it. 20b) add i hoverOver next to search box which says 'You can search by input, output, or an research articles doi.' 20c) Reject search input that is not from mesh table. Allow blank to search all? 30) modLit 30a) currently can hit back and reinsert duplicate based on old Id, should not eneter if valid eventId or guid no in url ... insertLit should also not insert duplicate data 30b) tbl only lists one input, should concatenate all. 35) make secure = https 40) addLit - need to reject input if already in database and popup message. 50) Change navbar - 2 rows, top search box with new options drop down to include (primary auth verified only, only human, 3 views = images, rank table, detailed) second row 'Health Outcomes','AddToDB','About' ... the first 'Health Outcomes' should ideally just be a home icon on mobile. 60) query optimization (for mesh term) 70) javascript to clear fields if has/dontHave 80a) python to: a)strip pubmed, 5b)search pubmed, 5c) email authors 666) use adminActions.php to remove eIds start paper * Query to see if already in tblLit, if not add * hash password * change to allow multiple outputs? * search returns subset or tree? * create backups nightly, save off monthly?